September 01, 2014

序論 (Introduction)

"When I focus, it is as though the whole world around me vanishes. Thus, even through a simple hobby, I can hone my powers of concentration." -Tadakatsu Honda, Samurai Warriors 2: Empires 

Hayaan ang katarungan ay tapos na, bagaman ang langit mahulog.
Today, on Disaster Awareness Day in Japan, I decided to write the blog's first post... so, irasshaemase!

I started doing photography in December of 2010, when the image of the Black Nazarene was visited in my home country of Cainta, in which is situated in the province of Rizal. And thus when I sat the image, my life changed forever since I am started doing it. Meanwhile as days go by, I decided to take some shots on everyday life from my life with family to big events in my hometown.

By the way, I took some shots from fiestas, image processions and some other random stuff. But on August 18th, 2013... My life as a photographer finally changed my brain, as I entered my first con (that is Otaku Expo 2013) and I took shots from my smartphone. Then many months later on April 4th (two days before WM 30), 2014, Xtian Mack (from invited me to a summer cosplay photoshoot at Ninoy Aquino Parks & Wildlife Center, and it was fun for me since I started doing it for such.

Ever since I am disabled (due to my learning disability that is autism in my childhood years), I particularly lived in my home. I pray sometimes during free time, watching anime, browsing some anime stuff on Tumblr, and even cook some concoctions and ideas from my outdoor kitchen (A good cook is a good cook). I pray to Kami-sama (that is God for you!) that I should do my best through photography, in which is my life hobby, and thus I will certainly making new friends either inside or outside the anime otaku and cosplay community here in the Philippines. Outside my career as a independent cosplay photographer, I am also a human of faith, meaning that I occasionally go to church to thanks my friends who supported me through this time around, and every Easter season, I made the annual dessert/merienda that is Champoradong Puti (champorado that is made with white chocolate).

So anyways, some of these shots that I took with my trusty weapons: Nikon D3100 and my smartphone (Samsung Galaxy Mini). And if you want to borrow or share my pics or gallery, you will have to give me copyrights in order to avoid infringement. And many of these shots that could be found in my galleria (gallery) in my FB. I will post some blog entries here when there was time for me to spare.

Saa minna-tachi, as I promised you, feedbacks and comments are now welcome. And to wrap up, I will greet you all this:

Galleria de la Guardia e yokoso! (Welcome to the Gallery of the Guardian!)

- A.S. Andaya

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